How to request ZGCode?

Login to your account in our website. Under your dashboard menu, click on "Request ZGCode" to go to Request page. Once the page is loaded, click the "Request ZGCode" button. Wait for the cofirmation. If it succeed, you will receive an email to your registered email address containing your ZGCode.

How to delete Character?

Character deletion requires your Secret Key as security measures in deleting characters in your account. If you have it, just login to your account ingame and delete it from there. You will be asked to input your Secret Key by that time.

How to request Secret Key?

Login to your account in our website. Under your dashboard menu, click on "Request Secret Key" to go to Request page. Once the page is loaded, fill in your ZGCode and click the request button. Wait for the cofirmation. If it succeed, you will receive an email to your registered email address containing your secret key.

How to unstuck Character?

Login to your account in our website. Under your dashboard menu, click on "Unstuck Character". Once the page is loaded, choose the name of the character that is stucked and click the "Wrap to Mandara" button.

But don't forget to logged out your account ingame. Be sure it is completely out of the game before unstucking characters.